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Applied mathematics and number theory

Average score of 5 over 9 attempts.

Image Applied mathematics and number theory


Applied mathematics and number theory: Applied mathematics and number theory are important branches of mathematics that have significant practical applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, computer science and cryptography among others. Applied mathematics encompasses mathematical methods and techniques used in solving real-world problems. Number theory, on the other hand, is a pure mathematical discipline that studies the properties and behavior of numbers and their relationships with each other. It has numerous applications in cryptography, coding theory and computer science, among other fields. This quiz aims to test your knowledge of basic concepts in applied mathematics and number theory, such as prime numbers, modular arithmetic, number sequences and series, among others.

Categorie: Science and Technology

Keywords: mathematics, applied mathematics, number theory, prime numbers, modular arithmetic, number sequences, coding theory

Total number of questions (advanced mode): 26

Created: 29 mai 2023

Updated: 20 juin 2023

Mascotte Enigmatou

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