Home / History / The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Average score of 4 over 3 attempts.

Image The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy


The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: The quiz on the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy tests your knowledge of this major historical event. You will be confronted with questions about the circumstances of the assassination, the main protagonists, conspiracy theories, and the impact of this event on American history. By answering this quiz, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of this event that has profoundly marked the history of the United States.

Categorie: History

Keywords: assassination, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, American history, conspiracy theories, historical event

Total number of questions (advanced mode): 11

Created: 27 décembre 2023

Updated: 27 décembre 2023

Mascotte Enigmatou

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