Home / General knowledge / The great peace treaties
Average score of 3 over 5 attempts.
The great peace treaties: The major peace treaties are historical agreements between nations that have ended major conflicts. These treaties have often redefined borders, imposed reparations, organized population exchanges, and encouraged the emergence of European unification movements. Among the major peace treaties are the Peace of Westphalia (1648), the Congress of Vienna (1815), the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the Treaty of Trianon (1920), the Treaty of Rome (1957), and the Treaty of Maastricht (1992). These agreements are important milestones in world history, particularly in Europe.
Categorie: General knowledge
Keywords: peace treaties, history, war, international relations, borders, reparations, European unification
Total number of questions (advanced mode): 21
Created: 15 juin 2024
Updated: 15 juin 2024
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