Home / Art and culture / Molière and his works
Average score of 4 over 3 attempts.
Molière and his works: Molière is considered one of the greatest playwrights in French literature. He wrote around twenty plays, including classics such as The Imaginary Invalid, Tartuffe, and The Misanthrope. Most of his works were written for the acting troupe of Louis XIV, the famous Comédie-Française. This quiz will allow you to test your knowledge about the life and work of Molière as well as the characters in his most well-known plays.
Categorie: Art and culture
Keywords: Molière, classical theater, The Imaginary Invalid, Tartuffe, The Misanthrope, Comédie-Française, characters
Total number of questions (advanced mode): 19
Created: 12 décembre 2023
Updated: 12 décembre 2023
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