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Documentary Photography in the 20th Century

Image Documentary Photography in the 20th Century


Documentary Photography in the 20th Century: Documentary photography is a genre that has been incredibly important to the medium since its inception. It involves photographs that attempt to realistically capture a moment or a subject in order to tell a story or convey information. In the 20th century, many photographers used documentary photography as a way to document and comment on social and political issues. Many of the most significant documentary photographers of the 20th century were photojournalists who captured images of war, poverty, and social injustice. Other photographers documented their own communities or explored personal themes. This quiz will test your knowledge of the history of documentary photography in the 20th century, and the key photographers and movements associated with it.

Categorie: Art and culture

Keywords: documentary photography, 20th century photography, photojournalism

Total number of questions (advanced mode): 29

Created: 26 mai 2023

Updated: 30 août 2023

Mascotte Enigmatou

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